Build your own Reactjs from scratch - Chapter 4 Implementing JSX
In previous chapter we learned how to use babel to transform JSX to Plain Javascript
in this chapter, we will write the actual implementation transformer function jsx()
The component
const ui = () => <div id="root">Hello world</div>
is equivalent to following code after compilation
const ui = jsx('div', {id: 'root', children: 'Hello world'})
if we have more than one child we can use an array
const ui = () => <div id="root">
<h1>Hello world</h1>
<p>lorem ipsum</p>
is equivalent to following code after compilation
const ui = jsx('div', {id: 'root', children: [
jsx('h1', {children: 'Hello world'}),
jsx('p', {children: 'lorem ipsum'})
Since we do not have actual implementation of jsx function , if we run npm run build
we will see the build file as below
Here each child is an object with type and props, the type is the tag name and props is an object with all the attributes and children
so we can write our jsx function in the jsx run time like this
function jsx(type, props) {
return {
if you run npm run build
now in the build file we can see that we are using jsx function to transform jsx to plain javascript
you have to also export the jsxs function inorder to support multiple children the jsx run time
final version of jsx run time will look like this
export const jsx = (tag, props) => {
return { tag, props };
export const jsxs = jsx;
We will rewrite our render function in the next chapter.
See the full code here :
Happy Learning!